Tag: Comics

Oyster War Chapter One – Now in French!

A while back, just as an exercise to practice my French, I–with a bit of help from my then French teacher–translated the first chapter of my book, Oyster War, into French.  It was an interesting experience that gave me a bit of insight on the kind of issues professional translators must deal with on a …

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The Strange Case of the Popeye Paddle-Wagon

So, I’m hoping this will be just the first part of what will eventually be a longer post once I’ve uncovered more information… but for now, here’s what I know about a peculiar Popeye toy that I’d forgotten about until pretty recently.  2020 marked the 40th anniversary of the 1980 Robert Altman-directed film adaptation of …

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Four-Fisted Tales Is Done and Pre-Orders are Open!

If you’re signed up for my newsletter, you already know this, but… Four-Fisted Tales is done and will be released on August 18th. And at long last, I can finally reveal the cover!   I couldn’t be happier to have this book wrapped up and about to be released into the wild. I think the final …

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How Different Cartoonists Draw Water – Part II

Based on both site stats and how much social media traction it gets when it comes up in conversation, one of the most enduringly popular posts I’ve done on my blog is 2008’s How Different Cartoonists Draw Water. I wrote that post as I was in the midst of working on both Amelia Earhart: This …

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What I read in 2020

As I did last year, here’s a run-down of the comics and comics-related stuff I read this past year. As will be obvious as you look through the list, this is a list of things I read this year, not things that came out this year. It’s also not a “best of” list. I have, …

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