Student Work – Historical Figures / page1.tif I stumbled on this doing some research for my “Comics for Teens” class that I teach on Tuesday nights. This student work is a comics biography from one of Tom Hart’s classes in NYC. I had seen this published in an SPX anthology a few years back and …
Tag: Comics
Jan 04 2005
Comic Book Pioneer Will Eisner Dies at 87
Comic Book Pioneer Will Eisner Dies at 87 Anyone interested in comics and its history should be saddened by the passing of this great artist and advocate for the medium. The NPR story above is significant as well in that it’s the first time I can recall that something notable has happened in the comics …
Jan 04 2005
Best news EVER
The Flaming Carrot is back! One of my all time favorite comics series, The Flaming Carrot, originally published in the ’80s, is cranking up for a new run with Image Comics. To really bring back the feeling of those halcyon days of the 1980s, be sure to buy an extra copy so you’ll have one …
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