17 1/2 Hours at Bojangles’


Be sure to check out Paul Friedrich’s blog tomorrow, the 16th, as he’ll be participating in an Suburban Xtreme Endurance Event in Raleigh, spending an entire day in a Bojangle’s restaurant.  Here’s the skinny from the press release:

October 16, 2007
Paul Friedrich and Bryan Pack will attempt to spend an entire 17 1/2 hour day at
Bojangles’ 3808 Western Blvd Raleigh, NC 27606.

From the moment Boj’s open their doors to serve their spicy chicken biscuits until they sell their
last order of cajun fries and lock the doors, Paul Friedrich and Bryan Pack will be there. Can it be done?

JUST ANNOUNCED: Eleanor Spicer, Bojangles’ historian/expert will be joining Paul and Bryan!

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